Un altro ospite di lusso del
PUCK COMIC PARTY è il fantasmagorico poster artist degli anni '60 che risponde al nome di
THE MAD PECK (pseudonimo di
John Peck), che ha scritto e disegnato la sua parte sulle nuove gesta di Puck.
Ben pochi conoscono quale sia la vera identità di quest'uomo, e per mesi il Nano ha cercato di contattarlo a Providence, dove abita, sguinzagliando i suoi migliori agenti segreti.
Una vera leggenda del panorama underground più nascosto, uno dei volti meno celebri al pubblico italiano, un artista eclettico che per oltre 40 anni ha vissuto ai margini dell'editoria e della musica.Ha disegnato poster per Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix, The Who quando ancora questi nomi suonavano in giro per l'America, più ingenui e sognatori che mai.
The Mad Peck è anche il creatore delle prime recensioni a fumetti sulla mitica rivista
Creem, dove scriveva Lester Bangs.
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lagoladipuck (at) email.it
The Mad Peck is an American underground cartoonist. His work first appeared in underground newspapers like the
East Village Other and the
Chicago Seed in 1969. Consisting mostly of manipulated clip art from old ads, they advertised items like "GIANT INHALER" and "FREE CIGARETTE PAPERS", hippies and yippies would send 5 cents for one of his mini-comic catalogs. This led to the weekly comic
Burn Of The Week which was distributed by the
Underground Press Syndicate and offered phoney endorsements of Wayne Newton albums next to bong-building tips. By the mid 70s, The Mad Peck was creating a regular comic which ran monthly in
Creem, and also plugged products in a bizarre pop-culture mish-mash similar to some of
Bill Griffith's Zippy work. The Mad Peck also created silkscreen concert posters for Rhode Island concerts from 1966-1971, for acts including Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, The Band, and Cream. His "Final Appearance" Cream poster has been widely bootlegged. His most famous poster is a comic book style Providence, Rhode Island poster that starts with the line, "Providence Rhode Island, where it rains two days out of three except during the rainy season when it snows like a bitch." The poster has been reprinted many times and is widely available for purchase throughout Rhode Island. The Mad Peck has also been known to DJ under the name "Dr. Oldie."
He is based in Providence, Rhode Island.
Ok mi avete convinto, voglio ordinare una copia del PUCK COMIC PARTY . Ma come fare ?? Quanto mi costa?? Ciao a Ivan ed a tutti.
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